Potassium -40.

Potassium -40.

14 january 2021 / 09:48 740

Banana contains the radioactive isotope Potassium-40.
The more potassium the body accumulates, the higher its radioactivity. Yet it does not exceed those values ​​to which a person is adapted. Fortunately, both radioactive potassium-40 and, for example, non-radioactive potassium-39 are easily excreted from the body if there are suddenly too many of them. The body keeps potassium in balance, and with-it natural radiation.
You can calculate how many bananas you need to eat at a time in order to receive a dangerous dose of radiation. For example, if one banana contains about 0.1 μSv of radiation, and a single dose of less than 25 mSv is not perceived by the body, then you need to eat at least 250 thousand (!) pieces at a time.

Why are men more radioactive than women? Among the natural elements, there are also radioactive elements. For example, potassium-40. It is absolutely identical in chemical properties to non-radioactive potassium - a biogenic element, which means it is present in our body! The body of an adult contains about 170 g of potassium, of which 20 mg of radioactive potassium-40. Due to this radionuclide alone, about 300 thousand radioactive decays occur every minute in the human body! True, there are much fewer other radionuclides in our body.

Men, it turns out, are somewhat more radioactive than women. Because potassium is effectively concentrated in muscle tissue, which men possess more.