Department of Science, Innovation and Human Resource Development

06 january 2021 / 00:00 774

Head of department
Abdukamilov Shavkat Shukhratovich
The main goals and objectives of the Department
The main goal of the Department's activities is to provide scientific support for the innovative development of the national nuclear power industry and to train qualified personnel for it.
The main tasks of the Department are:
  • organization of wide participation of scientific institutions of the Republic of Uzbekistan in the innovative development of the country's nuclear energy program;
  • organization of training qualified personnel for the needs of the nuclear energy of the Republic of Uzbekistan;
  • management of the processes of the subordinate organization Directorate for the construction of a nuclear power plant", which are the responsibility of the operating organization in terms of training of operating personnel.
Management functions
By the assigned tasks, the Department independently or with the involvement of consultants and/or experts performs the following functions:
In terms of organizing wide participation of scientific institutions of the Republic of Uzbekistan in the innovative development of the country's nuclear power program:
  • development and implementation of comprehensive measures for the development of atomic science and nuclear technologies, projects of fundamental research, research and development and experimental design work, the introduction of advanced technologies;
  • scientific support for the development and safe operation of nuclear facilities;
  • development and approval of policies in the field of transfer of scientific knowledge through the conclusion of treaties and agreements with organizations of other states;
  • determination, together with the operating organization, of the areas of necessary in-depth knowledge for the assessment and analysis of safety aspects during the construction of a nuclear power plant;
  • ensuring the conduct of fundamental and applied scientific research in the field of atomic science and nuclear technologies;
  • strengthening and development of mechanisms for integrating nuclear science with education and production;
  • development of proposals for the formation of priority directions for the development of science and technology, state scientific and technical programs, considering the needs of the republic's nuclear industry;
  • organization of the conclusion of contracts with scientific organizations and scientists for the implementation of scientific research on the orders of the Agency;
  • study and analysis of the achievements of the world and national atomic science, development of recommendations for their use in the interests of the Republic of Uzbekistan;
  • participation in the popularization and promotion of national nuclear science, scientific knowledge, achievements of science and technology in the field of nuclear technologies;
  • ensuring the establishment of various forms of cooperation with the Academy of Sciences of the Republic of Uzbekistan, the Ministry of Innovative Development of the Republic of Uzbekistan, other ministries and departments that include scientific organizations;
  • implementation of international cooperation with academies of sciences, research organizations of foreign countries, participation in the organization and conduct of international scientific forums and conferences;
  • determination of competence criteria, selection and purpose of the organization of scientific support of the project (head scientific organization).
In terms of organizing the training of qualified personnel for the needs of the nuclear energy of the Republic of Uzbekistan:
  • organization of a system of training, retraining and advanced training of personnel in leading national and foreign educational institutions;
  • participation in the training of highly qualified personnel (Doctors of Science (DSc) and Doctors of Philosophy (PhD)) using the scientific potential,material and technical base of institutions of the republic, including the Academy of Sciences of the Republic of Uzbekistan;
  • development and improvement of the system of higher and secondary specialized, professional education for the atomic energy matters of the republic, considering the advanced world experience;
  • implementation of educational, pedagogical, scientific and methodological guidance, coordination of the activities of the branch of the National Research Nuclear University MEPhI (NRNU MEPhI) in Tashkent, ensuring that it meets the requirements of state educational standards and other requirements for the level and content of education, the quality of professional training of specialists;
  • studying and ensuring the satisfaction of the demand of the Uzatom Agency and its subordinate organizations for educational services on the part of higher educational institutions;
  • organization of the implementation and effective use of progressive forms of education in the educational process, including distance learning, new pedagogical, innovative, information and communication technologies;
  • organization of the development, translation and publication of textbooks/tutorials and educational-methodical literature in accordance with the requirements of the Concept for the creation of educational literature of a new generation for higher educational institutions that train personnel for the republic's nuclear energy;
  • organization and improvement of the system of training, retraining and advanced training of teaching staff and specialists in the field of nuclear energy;
  • organization of research work in higher educational institutions, increasing its efficiency and widespread implementation of research results in practice, ensuring close interaction of the higher education system, science and production in the republic's nuclear energy;creation of departmental scientific and educational centres for personnel training, self-supporting advisory and information centres;
  • assistance to government bodies in improving the qualifications of employees in the field of nuclear energy safety.
In terms of managing the processes of the subordinate organization "Directorate for the construction of a nuclear power plant", which are the responsibility of the operating organization, in terms of training of operating personnel for nuclear power plants:

  • introducing a commitment to safety culture in the use of nuclear energy in curricula and courses;
  • coordination and oversight of the implementation of a comprehensive strategy for the training of operating personnel for a nuclear power plant;
  • approval of annual plans for recruitment and advanced training of personnel of the operating organization;
  • participation in the creation of an educational and training base for nuclear energy at the operating organization;
  • agreeing and overseeing the implementation of the retention strategy for qualified operational personnel of the operating organization;
  • ensuring that the operating organization's managers and nuclear safety specialists understand the principles and criteria of nuclear safety;
  • organization of training of the operating organization's personnel in the ability to check the quality of structures, systems and components following the responsibilities for maintenance;
  • organizing training of the operating organization's personnel to be able to manage the licensing process at their level and to develop operating procedures and management programs.