Main Goals and Objectives of the Department

06 january 2021 / 00:00 894

Head of Department

Abdurkhmanov Jakhongir Fakhriddinovich

The main purpose of the Department is:
participation in the creation and development of infrastructure in the field of peaceful use of nuclear energy in accordance with the needs of the national nuclear program.

The main goals of the Department are:

  • participation in the preparation of proposals on priority areas of state policy in the field of peaceful use of nuclear energy;
  • participation in the development and implementation of state programs for the development of nuclear energy in the Republic of Uzbekistan, attracting investments, including foreign ones, for the implementation of projects in the field of nuclear energy;
  • participation in the development and coordination, together with other structural divisions of the Agency, of regulatory and legal documents in the field of nuclear energy;
  • participation in the conclusion of agreements and contracts for the design, construction and operation of nuclear power facilities with the introduction of modern technologies and equipment that meet international industrial and environmental safety requirements;
  • organization of planning and control over the implementation of investment projects;
  • organization and coordination of construction work at the NPP facilities and at other objects, where responsible and customer is “Uzatom” Agency.

      The Department's functions

       In accordance with the assigned tasks, the Department performs the following functions:

  • develops short-term and long-term programs for the construction and operation of nuclear power facilities with the introduction of modern technologies and equipment that meet international requirements for radiation, nuclear, industrial and environmental safety;
  • develops annual work plans for the construction of nuclear power facilities for peaceful purposes within the framework of medium and long-term programs in this area;
  • ensures the development of network schedules for the implementation of projects, as well as control over the implementation of projects;
  • participates jointly with the Agency's structural divisions in the development of draft regulatory legal acts and regulatory documents on construction, commissioning, decommissioning of NPP facilities;
  • ensures the preparation of reports on the progress of the project;
  • organization in the preparation of contract strategies, provision and approval of draft contracts;
  • provides preparation of initial permits for design and construction of facilities, approvals and conclusions for the implementation of the project;
  • controls the timely development and issuance of design estimates and technical documentation for the production of construction works;
  • provides operational management and monitoring by enterprises of the established tasks of complex works for the construction of nuclear power plants;
  • performs the intended use of building materials, as well as the timely conclusion and fulfilment of contractual obligations by design institutes and contractors;
  • provides a systematic analysis of the implementation of decisions and orders of the President of the Republic of Uzbekistan and the Cabinet of Ministers of the Republic of Uzbekistan;
  • performs other functions in the part related in accordance with the instructions of the Agency's management.